
Bad Boy

Directed by: Patryk Vega

Cinema program "Bad Boy" in Kraków

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Movie poster Bad Boy
Original title: Bad Boy
Production: Polska , 2020
Release Date: 21 February 2020
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Patryk Vega

The leading specialist in sensational cinema Patryk Vega discovers the most famous pathologies in Polish football clubs. Links with the mafia and gangsters, match fixing, threats, intimidation and aggression in stadiums - all in a movie full of stars in which the leading roles are played by: Antoni Królikowski, Maciej Stuhr, Andrzej Grabowski, Piotr Stramowski, Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Katarzyna Zawadzka and Zbigniew Zamachowski , supported by by members of the Polish football team - Kamil Grosicki and Sławomir Peszko. "Bad Boy" is not only a production inspired by real events, which reveals the darkest side of the football environment. It is also a story full of action and expressive characters about love, betrayal, lust and women who prefer naughty boys.

When a woman is involved, even blood ties no longer matter. Two brothers, whose life paths diverged long ago, will find out. Elder Piotr (Maciej Stuhr) became a policeman, for younger Paweł (Antoni Królikowski) assaults, thefts and drugs are a lifestyle and daily bread. However, the impunity of a man caught up in belonging to a supporter Hard gang (Piotr Stramowski) ends when he is imprisoned by denunciation. Piotr, an experienced cop, decides to get his brother out of the cell, in which he is supported by a new girl Ola (Katarzyna Zawadzka), a lawyer finding paragraphs for the most difficult cases. Meeting these three changes everything and initiates a series of events full of twists and turns. Paweł, taking advantage of opportunities, tries to take control of the largest football club in the city. However, he does not notice that he has long been in the crosshairs of a secret police section led by Adam (Andrzej Grabowski) and prosecutor Anna (Małgorzata Kożuchowska). Meanwhile, infatuated with Paweł Ola, she is getting more and more involved in fascinating acquaintance and related illegal interests. Soon she would have to choose between loyalty to Piotr and the nascent affection for his brother.

Average rate: 6.0
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Movie trailer: Bad Boy

Your comments

Lana 26. April 2020, 9:03

Film to kawał g*wna. Jeśli warto, to dla muskularnych panów bez koszulek i dla epizodysty Michała Wołczyka.

A. S. 3. March 2020, 10:21

Jak na polskie kino to dobry film. Ale zgadzam się z poprzednikiem Pan Królikowski nie pasuje do tego typu filmów. Jednak film polecam niech każdy zobaczy i sam oceni tę historię.

andrzej 29. February 2020, 17:06

To film z tych dozwolonych od lat 26. Przekleństwa, narkotyki, seks i "gangsterka". Jednym słowem - fascynacja deprawacją. Film dobrze zrobiony i zagrany. Szkoda tylko, że tak naturalistyczne sceny to prawda o codzienności części kibiców polskiej piłki nożnej.

Mariusz B. 23. February 2020, 12:17

Pan A.Królikowski całkowicie nie pasuje do tej roli. Mało przystojny chłopiec zagrał twardziela, przywódcę,milionera mieszkającego w slamsie. Gdyby główną rolę zagrał ktoś wyższy i trochę umięśniony to mógł być fajny film. Ja oceniam na 3/10

Iza 22. February 2020, 6:15

całkiem dobry, ciekawa historia

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