
Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?: An Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky

Directed by: Michel Gondry

Cinema program "Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?: An Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky" in Kraków

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Movie poster Czy Noam Chomsky jest wysoki czy szczęśliwy?
Original title: Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?: An Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky
Runtime: 88 min.
Production: Francja Release Date: 5 September 2014
Distribution: Against Gravity

Directed by: Michel Gondry
Cast: Noam Chomsky, Michel Gondry

The new movie Michel Gondry ("Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "The Science of Sleep"), in which talks with Noam Chomsky - one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth and twenty-first century.

The film is an attempt to show a very interesting personality, Noam Chomsky, as well as its interesting, though complicated scientific theories. Michael Gondry decided here on a special treatment. Not only leads the researcher fascinating and frank discussion. In addition, it also embellished the fantastic animations that perfectly illustrated on the screen is what Chomsky says. Thanks to his ideas become much more understandable and accessible to the viewer. As a result, the movie turns into a real visual and intellectual feast, and its title is a conscious and somewhat ironic fun language, which refers to Chomsky's theory of language.
Selected Awards and festivals:
2014 - Jury Special Mention Award Millennium Planete + DOC FILM FESTIVAL
2014 - T-Mobile New Horizons
2014 - Transatlantic Festival Poznań
2014 - Film Festival of Two Shores
2014 - Berlin International Film Festival
2013 - Montreal International Film Festival
2013 - FF New York
2013 - FF Phoenix

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Movie trailer: Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?: An Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky

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