
Space Dogs Adventure to the Moon

Белка и Стрелка. Лунные Приключения
Directed by: Inna Evlannikova, Aleksander Khramtsov, Vadim Sotskov

Cinema program "Space Dogs Adventure to the Moon" in Kraków

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Movie poster Kosmiczna jazda. Hau hau mamy problem
Original title: Белка и Стрелка. Лунные Приключения
Runtime: 90 min.
Production: Rosja , 2014
Category: animation / adventure / comedy
Release Date: 2 September 2016
Distribution: Mówi Serwis

Directed by: Inna Evlannikova, Aleksander Khramtsov, Vadim Sotskov
Cast: Nonna Grishaeva, Maryana Spivak, Evgeniy Mironov

Space ride just before you! Margaret Kożuchowska and Agnieszka Dygant as inseparable - White and arrow, make you fly with laughter.

This time, waiting for it mission impossible to find disappearing from Earth various items. Why aliens Statue of Liberty, cars, amusement park and a telephone booth? And why gang sierściuchów he commands great tomcat, he wants to get rid Lucka - White's son, sending him literally to the moon? So many stories in one movie, long gone! The monkey behind the wheel of an American space mission, which only thought to make a good selfie guaranteed fun. A clever rat Lenny quickly zwietrzy opportunity for an international career, and brave dogs will find that the aliens have feelings and a longing for his home.

How will end up the greatest space mission in the history of the world? You'll find already on 2 September in cinemas!

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IMDb© rate: Kosmiczna jazda. Hau hau mamy problem on IMDb

Movie trailer: Space Dogs Adventure to the Moon

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