
Luis and His Friends from Outer Space

Directed by: Christoph Lauenstein, Wolfgang Lauenstein

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Movie poster Luis i obcy
Original title: Luis and His Friends from Outer Space
Runtime: 88 min.
Production: Niemcy , 2018
Category: animation / family
Release Date: 6 April 2018
Distribution: Kino Świat

Directed by: Christoph Lauenstein, Wolfgang Lauenstein
Cast: Franciska Friede

True friends are met in ... space, and the best for sorrows are green aliens. This is the motto of the latest family comedy of the hit producers "Renifer Nicko saves Christmas" and "Ups! The Ark drifted away "and the authors of the Oscar-winning animation" Balance ". "Luis and the aliens" is a story of friendship between a boy and three hilarious aliens who came to Earth and completely ... lost themselves. A portion of delicious, intergalactic fun for the whole family. A movie after which you'll just be flying out into space with laughter!
12-year-old Luis feels lonely. There are no friends, and his father - ufologist Armin - spends all night on the telescope, looking for traces of life in space. To make matters worse, the director from Luisa's school wants to send the boy to the boarding school outside the city. Things get even more complicated when a UFO crashed in the yard of Luisa, piloted by three cheerful aliens. The boy quickly befriends strangers and hides them from his dad, who is convinced that aliens are dangerous. Trying to help the ufoludkom return to the home planet, Luis himself is eager for a great cosmic journey.

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Movie trailer: Luis and His Friends from Outer Space

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