
Jamais contente

Directed by: Emilie Deleuze

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Movie poster Miss Impossible
Original title: Jamais contente
Runtime: 90 min.
Production: Francja , 2016
Category: drama
Release Date: 17 August 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Emilie Deleuze
Cast: Lena Magnien, Patricia Mazuy, Philippe Duquesne

For Aurora, the new school year is not going to be too good. The older sister has a boyfriend, the younger one teaches well and she has to repeat the class. In addition, parents start to talk about boarding school. How to deal with all this?

A teenage Aurora does not feel special. The new school year begins with class repetition and her parents want to send her to a boarding school. Teachers expect the impossible, even a nice new French teacher tells us to read some "old book". Colleagues say they are boring and have to change their "image". Everyone thinks they know exactly what Aurora should do and think. Only she has a problem with that. She is not as mature as her older sister or as smart as her younger. It seems that no one understands her, maybe except for her grandmother, who sees the heroine's uniqueness and motivates her for further actions.

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Movie trailer: Jamais contente

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