
Garde alternee

Directed by: Alexandra Leclere

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Movie poster Pół na pół
Original title: Garde alternee
Runtime: 104 min.
Production: Francja , 2017
Category: comedy
Release Date: 13 April 2018
Distribution: Hagi Film

Directed by: Alexandra Leclere
Cast: Didier Bourdon, Valerie Bonneton, Isabelle Carre

Crazy French comedy whose characters consciously decide on a love triangle. Sandrine, who after a dozen or so years of marriage is betrayed by Jean, does not want revenge, but an honest arrangement with one rule: she will share her husband with his lover in half. "Half and half" are the fate of seemingly mature heroes who in reality are always looking for love and understanding. Does the romance that came to light allow them to look at their relationships again?

Average rate: 2.0
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IMDb© rate: Pół na pół on IMDb

Movie trailer: Garde alternee

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