
The Net

Directed by: Ki-duk Kim

Cinema program "The Net" in Kraków

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Movie poster W sieci
Original title: The Net
Runtime: 114 min.
Production: Korea Płd , 2016
Category: drama
Release Date: 21 April 2017
Distribution: Aurora Films

Directed by: Ki-duk Kim
Cast: Ji-il Park, Ha-dam Jeong, Hyun-Ah Sung

Nam Chul-Woo is a poor fisherman leading a simple but happy life with his wife and daughter on the north bank of the river, which divides the two Koreas. Every day is fishing near sensitive points and border guards knew him well enough to trust that does not exceed an invisible boundary on the water.

One day, however, network diver gets caught up in a motor boat and We can not do anything to stop the drift łajby south. After reaching the shore, he is immediately arrested by South Korean soldiers. An ambitious officer interrogators recognizes the fisherman as a spy. For the unfortunate ordeal begins, which it seems to have no end ...

2016 - Venice Film Festival
2016 - International Film Festival in Toronto

Average rate: 9.0
rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0
4 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: W sieci on IMDb

Movie trailer: The Net

Your comments

Ada J 4. May 2017, 21:01

Niesamowity obraz. Warto posiadać umiejętność samodzielnego myślenia. Zwłaszcza w obecnej sytuacji politycznej nieoceniona umiejetność.

dk 28. April 2017, 20:47

po obu stronach barykady są tacy sami ludzie, i naiwnie uczciwi i slepo wierzacy w system i probujacy sie wykazac i porzadni i oszusci....
polecam, dobry film naprawdę wart obejrzenia

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