
Oskars Amerika

Directed by: Torfinn Iversen

Cinema program "Oskars Amerika" in Kraków

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Movie poster Wielka wyprawa Oskara
Original title: Oskars Amerika
Runtime: 79 min.
Production: Norwegia , 2017
Category: family
Release Date: 20 April 2018
Distribution: Vivarto

Directed by: Torfinn Iversen
Cast: Torstein Bjorklund, Jørgen Langhelle, Bjorn Sundquist

The 10-year-old Oscar has a dream, which is a trip to the prairie with his mother. Unfortunately, just before the holidays, Oskar's mom informs him about the planned trip to America. At that time, the boy is to be looked after by his grandfather, not too social and gruff. Fortunately, Oscar meets Levi and his - suffering from myopia - horse. Together, they decide to cross the Atlantic Ocean to find Oskar's mother in America.

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Movie trailer: Oskars Amerika

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